Whether you are looking to purify your home or just brighten your space, house plants are one of the best ways to do both! Here are 11 house plants to bring into your home.
Most people spend the majority of their free time at home indoors. Yes, there is yard work and the occasional backyard barbecue. Maybe you even have a pool. Regardless, when you factor in sleeping, cooking, eating and watching TV, we are naturally indoor creatures. So, what type of environment have you made for you and your family inside? Have you thought about the air quality in your home? Sure, something as simple as adding houseplants can add color and life. But the best part? Some plants even clean the air you are breathing keeping the air in your home clean and free of those pollutants.
Both indoors and outdoors, plants have a unique ability to absorb harmful chemicals from the air — and give off oxygen to boot. In fact, they can actually clean many of those pollutants by absorbing them through their leaves and roots. Add these plants to your decor, and you’ll be breathing easier in no time!
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene
English Ivy
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene
Spider Plant
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Formaldehyde, benzene and xylene
Chinese Evergreen
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Benzene and formaldehyde
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and xylene
Wax Begonia
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Benzene and toluene
Peace Lily
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene
Boston Fern
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Formaldehyde and xylene
Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Snake Plant)
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene
Lady Palm
Harmful air pollutant that it removes: Ammonia
Golden Pothos
Harmful air pollutants that it removes: Formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide
Who knew that a few common (and not-so-common) plants could bring so many health and wellness benefits? If you decide to get one — or all — make sure you follow care instructions and keep them watered.