SHELTERING IN PLACE – tips for spring cleaning this year

SHELTERING IN PLACE – tips for spring cleaning this year

You are at home more than usual right now – might as well do something rewarding with all that time!

This really is kind of a rare and unique opportunity to really take your time with things and spread it out….feel encouraged by the fact that you do have the time, so you can take on some of those projects your would otherwise shun for more exciting things.

Like Mary Poppins said, “In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and – snap! – the job’s a game”.  Now where’s that spoonful of sugar when you need it?

You’re in a unique position right now where you don’t have to worry about getting it all done and running out and taking care of other things you generally have going on. Here are some suggestions for getting started:

  • Sweep the patio, walkways, clean light fixtures and patio furniture
  • Wash interior windows
  • Clean out closets, cupboards, and the pantry
  • Change filters, check carbon monoxide and smoke detector systems
  • Deep-clean appliances and under the kitchen and bathroom sinks

Coming up with a calendar for different tasks might also help make things less daunting.

If you’re short on cleaners, for a DIY disinfectant, combine one cup of water with one cup of rubbing alcohol (optional – add 20 – 30 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oils to increase antibacterial properties).

For window washing DIY cleaner, mix equal parts of vinegar and dish soap – works as well as commercial glass cleaners. Not only does it remove dirt and grease, but it kills odors and doesn’t leave streaks.

Happy cleaning!

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